Our Services
Conflict is something most of us fear. But disputes don’t have to be intimidating or nasty. And they certainly don’t have to be expensive, drawn-out and weighed down by endless legal procedures.
Contract disputes, shareholder conflicts, family business conflicts.
Family law, property disputes, personal injury, etc.
Employee–employer disputes, team conflicts.
Neighbourhood disputes, environmental conflicts, etc.
To assess suitability and discuss options.

The last few decades have seen the global rise of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) across family, labour and commercial spheres, its high success rate due to its solution-focused and empowering process. It is an approach characterised by:
- Outside assistance that offers perspective
- Expert insights rather than binding judgements
- Agreements that suit all parties.
Yellow Road Mediation exists to offer such solutions. We assist people in all manner of disagreements – at work, at home and anywhere in between; whether your case is on the verge of litigation, or already in full swing. Whatever the conflict, we can help you reach closure, or simply move forward.
We focus on civil and commercial cases, with our areas of expertise including disputes:
- Between neighbours (e.g. noisy generators, damage to property by tree roots, issues with neighbours’ animals)
- Related to contracts, workplace or organisational issues
- In small businesses and family businesses – where relationships are usually complex and business and personal interests overlap
- Among family members (e.g. issues around inheritance)
- Around property (e.g. body corporate or home ownership association cases)

Let’s talk about your particular matter.
Sigi Prinsloo, Director
email: sigi@yellowroadmediation.com
mobile: +27 72 293 2006